Hi, I’m Hoa Nguyen.

Email: hoanguyen@ucdavis.edu
GitHub: https://github.com/hnpl
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hnpl
GoogleScholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=g6KC_pUAAAAJ

I’m a third-year PhD student in the Department of Computer Science at UC Davis. I’m working with Professor Jason Lowe-Power on enabling vector-architecture-based acceleration via hardware/software co-design. I also work with Professor Isaac Kim on quantum architectures.

I received my Bachelor’s degree from UC Davis, where I worked for 3+ years as a gem5 software engineer.

During my PhD, I interned for 9 months at AMD Research, where I modeled a new hardware component in gem5/QEMU and developed the software stack for the new hardware.

I’ll be at Google for an internship this summer!


My research work involves the intertwine of vector architectures, accelerator design, and simulator design.

Previous Works

I worked at Professor Ian Davidson’s lab in my undergraduate study, during which I co-authored a SIGKDD paper.

Previous Projects


I strongly believe that student engagement comes from understanding the nature of the problem, and from the fluency of using tools (e.g. using software, using learned facts, and using learned abstractions) for problem solving.

Open-source Contributions

Other Projects

I ocassionally solve problems at https://projecteuler.net/ and https://rosalind.info/. I like solving problems with geometric interpretations.

Updated: June 26th, 2024