Hi, I’m Hoa Nguyen.

Email: hoanguyen@ucdavis.edu
GitHub: https://github.com/hnpl
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hnpl
GoogleScholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=g6KC_pUAAAAJ

I’m a third-year PhD student in the Department of Computer Science at UC Davis. I’m working with Professor Jason Lowe-Power on vector scatter/gather acceleration via hardware/software co-design. I also work with Professor Isaac Kim on quantum architectures.

I received my Bachelor’s degree from UC Davis, where I worked for 3+ years as a gem5 software engineer.

During my PhD, I interned for 9 months at AMD Research, where I modeled a new hardware component in gem5/QEMU and developed the software stack for the new hardware.


My research work involves,

Previous Works

I worked at Professor Ian Davidson’s lab in my undergraduate study, during which I co-authored a SIGKDD paper.

Previous Projects


I believe that engagement comes from understanding the nature of the problem, and the capability of using tools (e.g. software, and abstractions) for solving problems.

Open-source Contributions

Other Projects

I ocassionally solve problems at https://projecteuler.net/ and https://rosalind.info/. I like solving problems with geometric interpretations.

Updated: March 27th, 2024